Thursday 16 October 2014

The Archdruid strikes again!

A slight diversion from wobbly photos taken whilst walking the delightful back waters of Greater London:

John Michael Greer, the Archdruid, has posted another cracking column -

Just a couple of his points that struck me from amongst many -
'The higher someone stands in the social hierarchy, the more access to influence and wealth they have; that’s their payoff for cooperating with the system and enforcing its norms on those further down.'
It made me further reflect on my own role as an educated middle class healthcare professional manning the barriers of social control to keep the distressed poor placated.

This latter one made me wonder whether my spare time would not be better spent in unarmed combat and weapons training rather than surfing the internet in search of ideas, art and music -
'Historians call it the warband: a group of young men whose sole trade is violence, gathered around a charismatic leader.  Warbands spring up in the borderlands of a civilization as the dominant minority or its pet despots lose their grip, and go through a brutally Darwinian process of evolution thereafter in constant struggle with each other and with every other present or potential rival in range. Once they start forming, there seems to be little that a declining civilization can do to derail that evolutionary process; warbands are born of chaos, their activities add to the chaos, and every attempt to pacify the borderlands by force simply adds to the chaos that feeds them. In their early days, warbands cover their expenses by whatever form of violent activity will pay the bills, from armed robbery to smuggling to mercenary service; as they grow, raids across the border are the next step; as the civilization falls apart and the age of migrations begins, warbands are the cutting edge of the process that shreds nations and scatters their people across the map.'

Cage fighting

Ta ta on that cheery note!

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